Thu 7 Dec 2023 11:45 - 12:00 at Golden Gate C1 - Testing IV Chair(s): Jonathan Bell

Software testing is still a manual activity in many industries, such as the gaming industry. But manually executing tests becomes impractical as the system grows and resources are restricted, mainly in a scenario with short release cycles. Test case prioritization is a commonly used technique to optimize the test execution. However, most prioritization approaches do not work for manual test cases as they require source code information or test execution history, which is often not available in a manual testing scenario. In this paper, we propose a prioritization approach for manual test cases written in natural language based on the tested application features (in particular, highly-used application features). Our approach consists of (1) identifying the tested features from natural language test cases (with zero-shot classification techniques) and (2) prioritizing test cases based on the features that they test. We leveraged the NSGA-II genetic algorithm for the multi-objective optimization of the test case ordering to maximize the coverage of highly-used features while minimizing the cumulative execution time. Our findings show that we can successfully identify the application features covered by test cases using an ensemble of pre-trained models with strong zero-shot capabilities (an F-score of 76.1%). Also, our prioritization approaches can find test case orderings that cover highly-used application features early in the test execution while keeping the time required to execute test cases short. QA engineers can use our approach to focus the test execution on test cases that cover features that are relevant to users.

Thu 7 Dec

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11:00 - 12:30
Testing IVResearch Papers / Industry Papers at Golden Gate C1
Chair(s): Jonathan Bell Northeastern University
Code Coverage Criteria for Asynchronous Programs
Research Papers
Mohammad Ganji Simon Fraser University, Saba Alimadadi Simon Fraser University, Frank Tip Northeastern University
Media Attached
Automated Test Generation for Medical Rules Web Services: A Case Study at the Cancer Registry of Norway
Industry Papers
Christoph Laaber Simula Research Laboratory, Tao Yue Beihang University, Shaukat Ali Simula Research Laboratory and Oslo Metropolitan University, Thomas Schwitalla Cancer Registry of Norway, Jan F. Nygård Cancer Registry of Norway
DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Test Case Generation for Drivability Requirements of an Automotive Cruise Controller: An Experience with an Industrial Simulator
Industry Papers
Federico Formica McMaster University, Nicholas Petrunti McMaster University, Lucas Bruck McMaster University, Vera Pantelic McMaster University, Mark Lawford McMaster University, Claudio Menghi University of Bergamo; McMaster University
DOI Media Attached
Prioritizing Natural Language Test Cases Based on Highly-Used Game Features
Industry Papers
Markos Viggiato University of Alberta, Dale Paas Prodigy Education, Cor-Paul Bezemer University of Alberta
DOI Media Attached
EtherDiffer: Differential Testing on RPC Services of Ethereum Nodes
Research Papers
Shinhae Kim The Affiliated Institute of ETRI, Sungjae Hwang Sungkyunkwan University
Media Attached
[Remote] API-Knowledge Aware Search-based Software Testing: Where, What and How
Research Papers
Xiaoxue Ren Zhejiang University, Xinyuan Ye Australian National University, Yun Lin Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Zhenchang Xing Data61, Shuqing Li The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Michael Lyu The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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