ESEC/FSE 2023 (series) / Nachiappan Nagappan

Registered user since Mon 12 Jun 2023
Name:Nachiappan Nagappan
Country:United States
- Industry Mentoring Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Modeling the Centrality of Developer Output with Software Supply Chains
- Industry careers in SE: pure research vs. applied research vs. dev @ startups, research labs, big companies, government
- Welcome
- Dead Code Removal at Meta: Automatically Deleting Millions of Lines of Code and Petabytes of Deprecated Data
- Technical skills you learned in your SE PhD: how they are used in industry, and how to find a job that leverages them
- Co-chair in Program Committee within the Industry Mentoring Symposium-track
ESEC/FSE 2023-profile
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